Detection of Aspartamebased on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
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In this paper, the detection of aspartame (APM) in aqueous solution and in fruit juice using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has been presented. The silver colloid (Ag col) active substrates were prepared, and the related properties were characterized firstly. Secondly, the Raman characteristic peaks of APM were classified, and then the optimum coagulant type was determined by comparative experimental study.At the end, the APM in aqueous solution were detected by SERS. The quantitative analysis was implemented by using logic regression analysis method. The limit of detection and recovery were determined at the same time. In addition, when the concentration of APM in juice is low to 1000 mg/L, it is still able to distinguish the characteristic peak, in close proximity to the national standard. 0.6 g/kg.
Detection of Aspartamebased on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of Light Scattering. 2018, 30(1): 28-33