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  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 91-96.
       Hole conduction layer is one of the most important part in organic solar cells. In this study, we prepare a macromolecular composite film suitable for hole conduction in an organic solar cell using layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition technique and low conversion temperature process under ambient conditions. As opposed to previous processes, our method not only supplies a controllable layer thickness but also provides a better electric property. An UV-Vis spectrometer is used to verify our results. It shows that low temperature conversion process under ambient condition works just the same as traditional high temperature conversion process under vacuum conditions. Low-temperature conversion process causes fewer damages on the structure of the macromolecule and raises hole mobility from 10-6 cm2/Vs to around 10-5 cm2/Vs.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 27-41.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 342-349.

       As an important component of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), alloy interconnector affects the longevity of SOFCs. High temperature oxidation of metal leads to thermal and growth stresses in the metal and oxide, which can broke the oxide and reduce the life time of steel. In situ Raman spectroscopy has in recent years been used as an efficient method to study the stresses in thermally grown oxide layers. This work presents an overview of the study of oxidation stresses in recent years, analyzes the causes of the stress and discusses the development of Raman technique for the determination of oxidation stresses, particularly Cr2O3.

  • Overview
    DONG Wenlong, LIU Luqi
    Chinese Journal of Light Scattering. 2021, 33(1): 1-15.
    Two-dimensional (2D) materials, with remarkably electronic, optical, and thermal properties, have attracted tremendous attention in recent years. To meet the rapid development of 2D materials, it's fundamentally necessary to the precisely characterize the structure and properties of 2D materials. Raman spectroscopy has been proven to be a fast, convenient, and nondestructive technique to characterize the basic structural information of low dimensional materials. In this review, we introduce recent advances in Raman spectroscopy for structural characterization of 2D materials. We mainly focus on the characterization of layer number, stacking order, crystalline orientation, defects, and structural phase transition of 2D materials by Raman spectroscopy.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 42-44.
          水热法合成祖母绿的化学成分、晶体结构和宝石学性质与天然祖母绿相似,常规宝石学检测项无法有效区分。合成祖母绿的生长环境比天然祖母绿理想,其晶格应力较小,相应的声子寿命较长,对应的拉曼谱峰线宽较窄,因此拉曼光谱半高宽可提供祖母绿是天然或合成的信息。本论文使用德国布鲁克Senterra型激光拉曼光谱仪进行测试分析,发现天然祖母绿的半高宽均在8.5 cm-1以上,而水热法合成祖母绿均在8.5 cm-1以下。
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 16-22.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 84-90.
       Using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of three willow leaf and leaf disease, the young leaves of the same branch and leaves, yellow leaves, leaf disease spectrum testing, aims to analyze the willow leaf disease of some physiological changes, to explore the effect of disease leaves on the clustering of the system. Infrared spectroscopy blade at different stages of major change in 1800~ 800 cm-1, this bands second derivative processing, you can clearly see the superimposed region of the protein and lignin 1700 ~ 1500 cm-1, characteristic peaks of calcium oxalate 1621,1318 cm-1, characteristic peaks carbohydrate peak near 1075 cm-1 strong there are significant changes, with absorbance ratio A1621 / A3390, A1318 / A3390, A1075 / A3390 to compare the relative content of calcium oxalate and sugar, with 1700 ~ 1500 cm-1 band fitting peak area ratio S amide I /S lignin, S amideⅡ/S lignin and S amideⅡ/S amide I used to compare the relative amounts of the protein. The results showed that the relative contents of calcium oxalate in the diseased leaves were increased, and the relative contents of polysaccharide and protein decreased. The blade 1800 ~ 800 cm-1 range of the second derivative of systematic cluster found diseased leaves change did not affect the chemical composition of the clustering effect, clustering correct rate of 100%.
  • Tu Zhengqian1*, Dong Lichao3, Zhao Dongfeng3, Feng Di2, Wang Shenze1
    The Journal of Light Scattering. 2020, 32(3): 245-250.
    This paper analyzes the scattered light intensity of three types of defects commonly encountered in glass wafer processing: particle defects, bubble defects, and triangular scratches. It is found that different defect structures have different scattered light in space. The strong distribution feature can establish the correspondence between the defect structure and the spatial distribution of scattered light intensity. At the same time, for the micron-scale defects on the wafer surface in the production line, the scattered light intensity of different size particle defects is calculated, and the micron-scale defect size is obtained. Therefore, a non-imaging defect detection method is proposed: detecting the scattered light intensity value and spatial distribution of the acquired defect, determining the defect structure by using the spatial distribution structure of the scattered light, and calculating the defect size by using the scattered light intensity, thereby indirectly determining the defect information, and achieving the purpose of defect detection.It can provide a methodological reference for rapid detection of defects in the wafer industry application process.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 12-15.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 23-26.
        基于化学增强理论,选取了银、镍和铁等过渡金属离子与甲基膦酸(MPA)分子进行络合,采用拉曼光谱技术对水相中微量的甲基膦酸进行检测。结果表示,银离子对于水相中甲基膦酸的拉曼增强效果最佳;并且添加银离子后并不影响其定性检测;进一步的条件优化实验表明,随着银离子添加量的增加,增强效果会先增大后减小,当CMPA:CAg时增强效果达到最佳,检测下限为20 pg
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 45-50.
  • Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
    WANG XiaoAn, SHEN Wei, YU Daoyang, DONG ronglu, TANG Xianghu
    Chinese Journal of Light Scattering. 2021, 33(1): 24-31.
    In this article, the comparative study of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) performance of assembled Au nanorods (AuNRs) and Au nanodumbbells (AuNDs) based on capillaries was introduced. Under the same conditions of the synthetic precursor and the dispersed system, two kinds of nano units were assembled on the inner wall of capillaries based on the same surface ligand exchange treatment process and the same assembly technology. And the AuNDs assembly structures based on capillary (AuNDs/cap) showed more significant SERS activity. Meanwhile, the uniform and reproducibility of the two assembly structures were pretty much the same. Furthermore, the AuNDs/cap structures can be used for sampling and SERS detection of malachite green (MG) down to 2×10-3μg/g levels in real water samples, which exhibit an excellent practicability and a great promise for rapid and credible practical detection.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2018, 30(3): 284.
    Raman scattering and Brillouin scattering are two phenomena, which are most representative  in the inelastic light scattering, they were named by using C. V. Raman and L. Brillouin who are Indian and American of France descent scientists, respectively. The cognition (including phenomena, theory and their applications) of the former is more deepen than the latter, for people. Therefore, L. Brillouin and Brillouin scattering will only have been given more details in this summarize.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 6-11.
           使用共焦显微拉曼光谱仪,结合表面增强拉曼散射(Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering ,SERS)技术,采集含有农药马拉硫磷和二嗪农的苹果汁样本的基于银纳米溶胶的表面增强拉曼光谱,采用距离匹配和判别分析的方法对其进行定性分析。然后结合偏最小二乘(Partial Least Squares ,PLS)方法对两种农药的表面增强拉曼光谱分别进行数学建模分析。结果表明表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)技术对无损快速定性分析马拉硫磷和二嗪农具有较高的准确性,而定量分析二者的含量也具有较高的可行性。
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(3): 203-208.
    The prepared silver nanoparticles synthesized by chemical method was bound with lysine at different pH values. The UV-Vis spectrum and dynamic light scattering methods were used to study the stability of Ag colloids and AgNPs-lysine system. The interaction of Ag nanoparticles and lysine was surveyed by SERS. The results showed at the pH value of 5~10, the UV-Vis spectra appeared strong adsorption peak, the particle size was uniform distribution and DLS intensity auto-correlation curve was smooth, which indicated that the system had good stability. The interaction of lysine binding to Ag nanoparticle surface was investigated by SERS. At the pH value of 4, the SERS band at 1440 cm-1 is assigned to δ (NH3+), and the band of 1576 cm-1 is assigned to δ (COO-) , which tells the lysine adsorbs on the Ag sruface through the interaction of the amino and carboxyl groups together. At the pH value of 10, the main characteristic Raman spectrum was δ(COO-)at 1576 cm-1, it demonstrated that the lysine was adsorbed on the surface of silver nanoparticles with the NH3+ group.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(4): 317-323.
     In this paper, the solid-solution series of the jarosite group AFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 have been synthesized, where the site of A can be occupied by K+, Na+ and H3O+. In addition, nearly fully occupied potassium jarosite is prepared for comparison. Raman spectra of the jarosite group are measured and analysized. The jarosite group minerals can be characterized by Raman spectra and the bonds can be due to the hydroxyl groups, internal modes of sulfate and lattice modes. Some bonds assignment which are open to question are analysized. According to the number of the scattered peaks and frequencies, the size of the ionic radius, bonds length and bonds angle, the effect of the substitutions of ions in A-site of jarosite solid solution series is analysized by hooke's law.  The substitution effect of A position ion mainly affect the OH in the jarosite and the hydroxyl vibration mode.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 364-373.
       Vibrational Spectroscopy can provide molecular vibrational information and can be very sensitive to the conformation of polymer molecule chains and interaction between chains. Vibrational Spectroscopy Imaging as an in situ non-damage detection is widely applied to the study of polymer blend’s properties such as crystallization, distribution of phase state and interface diffusion. The present paper emphasized to summarize the headway of application research of polymer blend by imaging techniques of Raman Spectroscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy and their derivative techniques with high-space resolution ratio, such as the combination of Infrared Spectroscopy and atomic force microscope (IR-AFM), the combination of Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscope (Raman-AFM) and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS), aiming to explore and expand the application of vibrational spectroscopy imaging techniques in the polymer field.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 1-5.
       通过块状材料溶解(BMD)方法合成了形貌规整的BiVO4单晶样品。利用原子力显微镜联用的共焦拉曼光谱借助表面等离子增强效应从微纳尺度研究了单斜层状BiVO4 {011}和{010}晶面光催化降解行为的反应动力学过程差异,发现在{011}晶面上光催化的降解速率常数是{010}晶面的2倍。另外,光氧化探针辅助的单粒子荧光成像进一步佐证了该结果,荧光探针分子在光激发下主要在{011}晶面上被氧化。
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 326-331.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2018, 30(1): 95-96.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 116-119.
      Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) can provide “fingerprint” characteristic of molecular vibration with high sensitivity and rapid response, and thus is a promising analytical technique. The intensity of molecular Raman signal will be amplified by several orders and the so-called SERS effect occurs when molecules locate on the surface of noble metal or some semiconductor nanostructures. Therefore, nanostructured SERS substrates are essential to SERS effect. Here we report that Au micro/nanoparticle arrays are fabricated on a Si wafer by a simple electrodeposition approach. There are many nanoscale gaps between the neighboring nanoparticles, which can provide SERS "hot spots" upon laser excitation, therefore the arrays of Au micro/nanoparticles have high SERS sensitivity. Additionally, the Au micro/nanostructures are highly stable in both chemical and structure. The as-prepared Au micro/nanostructures showed high SERS sensitivity to ultratrace (10-12 M) rhodamine 6G (R6G) with good SERS signal uniformity. Successful detection of toxic methyl parathion with a low concentration in water was achieved by using the as-prepared Au micro/nanostructure arrays as SERS substrates. This result shows the promising application of our Au micro/nanostructure arrays in SERS monitoring of toxic organic environmental pollutants.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 120-124.
      In our work, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) protected silver nanoparticles assemble on aluminum sheets was prepared and employed to detect Fenpropathrin acetone (10-4-10-7 mol/L). In the process of the experiment, the near-infrared laser beam (785 nm) was used as the excitation light source. The high-quality near-infrared surface-enhanced Raman scattering (NIR-SERS) spectra of fenpropathrin were obtained in the ranges of 200 to 2000 cm-1 and the detection limit of fenpropathrin acetone was down to 10-6 mol/L. To verify the spectral reproducibility of the silver films, the spectra of fenpropathrin acetone with two various concentrations (10−4 mol/L and 10−5 mol/L) were detected which on six different nano-silver films. The results show that the nano-silver films have highly spectral reproducibility when detected fenpropathrin acetone.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 359-363.
    Taking advantage of Micro-Raman spectroscopy technology, seal sample for two years are studied by the Raman. The resulting in comparative of suspect and samples which are determined time enable to provide QC matching value.  By the QC matching value, we can identify the relative aging of stamp impression. Micro-Raman spectroscopy technology can be used to identify the aging of stamp impression with the advantages of the convenient preparation of sample and the easy and fast operation of instrument measurement.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 332-335.
          通过种子调节法合成了拉长金二十四面体纳米颗粒(ETHH-Au NPs)并将其制备成SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering)增强基底进行有害物质的检测。通过扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明 ETHH-Au NPs排列均匀、紧密,有利于形成增强热点结构。以对巯基苯甲酸 (p-mercaptobenzoic acid, PMBA)为探针分子估算ETHH-Au NPs的增强因子,增强因子可达1.05×106。以ETHH-Au NPs为活性基底对水溶液中的结晶紫(CV)和三聚氰胺(Mel)分子进行检测,检测下限分别低至1.0×10-10 M和1.0×10-8 M,表明ETHH-Au NPs是一种普适、理想的SERS 活性基底。
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 144-148.
    Pure ZnO ceramics and GZO (Ga:ZnO) ceramics were prepared by solid phase reaction method. We measured GZO ceramics with different Ga concentration by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, and studied the variation of Raman spectra of the samples. The results showed that pure ZnO and GZO ceramics were maintained a hexagonal wurtzite structure. E2(low) and E2 (high) who were the characteristic bands of ZnO were found in 98 cm-1 and 437 cm-1, respectively. There appeared new bands at the 584 cm-1 and 631 cm-1 in the Raman spectra of GZO ceramic. And the band at around 1148 cm-1 corresponding to an overtone of E1(LO) mode has also undergone some changes with the increasing of Ga doping concentration. We assigned the vibration mode of the new band and the change of the original band after doping, which for 631 cm-1,we believed that this band is attributed to the local vibration mode that the substitution of Ga for Zn with O. (LVMGa-O) .
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 168-174.
    Supported planar lipid bilayers are artificial lipid bilayer membranes. Surface structures and properties of the solid substrates can affect the formation process, fluidity, two-dimensional structure and chemical activity of the SPBs, then affect properties of protein. Even on mica and SiO2 surfaces, which are flat and biologically inert, and most widely used as the substrates for the supported lipid bilayers, cause differences in the structure and properties of the supported membranes. In this review, by performing Raman spectroscopy, we analyzed the conformation of SPBs at mica and SiO2. Futhermore, we added the monomer amyloid-beta peptides onto SPBs. The differences between the conformation of amyloid-beta at mica and SiO2 are shown by Raman spectroscopy with different incubation time.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 51-55.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(1): 56-61.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 106-111.
      This article introduced a filter paper-based SERS substrate through soaking method, and investigated the relationship between the distributions of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the filter paper with soaking time in detail. SERS spectra of seminal plasma under different excitation wavelengths (514 nm and 785 nm) were compared, and the latter was confirmed to demonstrate better SERS signals. SERS and normal Raman spectra of seminal plasma using 785 nm excitation laser was compared as well. More importantly, the intensity of the strongest peak (654 cm-1) from SERS spectra of seminal plasma was used to evaluated the enhancement effects and signal reproducibility with filter paper SERS substrates under different soaking time(6 h,12 h,24 h). Our results indicated that the AgNPs on the paper substrate soaked with concentrated AgNP colloid presented a relatively uniform distribution at the soaking time of 12 h and the substrate demonstrated high Raman signal enhancement and good signal reproducibility as well.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 390-395.
    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with discrete wavelet transform was used to discriminate 6 species of melon seeds. Spectra of 30 samples were obtained. The results showed that the infrared spectra of the samples were similar, while in the range of 1700~900 cm-1, tiny differences in wave-numbers and absorption intensity of peaks were observed. The spectra in this range were selected to perform discrete wavelet transform, and the obvious differences were found in the second scale detail coefficients. The second scale coefficients were selected to perform the correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The results showed that towel gourd seeds had very significant positive correlation with cushaw seeds with correlation coefficient 0.9279, while the towel gourd seeds and semen benincasae had minimum correlation coefficient. The contributing rates of the first two principal components in PCA had reached 95.50%, which can reflect the main information in the spectra. The accuracy of PCA and HCA were 100%. It demonstrates that Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy combined with discrete wavelet transform was a rapid and effective method for discriminating different species of melon seeds.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 131-139.
         Electron-interface optical (IO) phonon scattering rates in a wurtzite GaN-based asymmetrical step quantum well (QW) are theoretically analyzed by using the usual Fermi golden rule. Based on the dielectric continuum model and Loudon's uniaxial crystal model, the analytical IO phonon states and their Fröhlich electron-phonon interaction Hamiltonian are derived. Taking into consideration the effects of strong built-in electric field (BEF) and the band nonparabolicity, the exact electronic eigen-states in the step QW are also obtained with the aid of two Airy functions. Numerical calculations on a wurtzite AlN/GaN/AlxGa1-xN/AlN step QW are performed. It is found that there are four branches of IO phonon modes in the asymmetric nitride step QWs, which is obviously different from the situation of symmetrical GaN/AlN single and coupling QWs. This is mainly ascribed to the asymmetry of the step QW structures studied here. The calculated results show that the intrasubband and intersubband scattering rates in wurtzite step QWs are one order of magnitude larger than those in GaAs-based step QWs, which is attributed to the larger electron-phonon coupling constants of GaN-based materials. The intrasubband scattering rates in wurtzite step QWs behave analogous dependent relation as those in cubic GaAs-based step QWs on the structural parameters, but the intersubband scattering rates here show obviously di®erent dependent behavior on the structural parameters. This is ascribed to the effects of the strong BEF and the band nonparabolicity. Moreover, the high-frequency IO modes play more important role to the total scattering rates than the low-frequency ones.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(3): 252-258.
    FTIR spectra from 11 kinds of Zingiberaceae by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy method combined with the system clustering and correlation coefficient method were used to explore the relationship among the plants. The results show that the cluster analysis is consistent with the results of the correlation analysis, When the distance coefficients of A. kwangsiensis & LSSR was 1 (minimum), the correlation coefficient was 0.950 (highest), phylogenetic relationships recently; 25 (maximum distance coefficient A. blepharocalyx and C. wenyujin), correlation coefficient of 0.005 (minimum), phylogenetic relationships farthest. The study draws that A. kwangsiensis and LSSR, C. xanthorrhiza and A. petaloideum are closely related to species, and supported the independence of C. wenyujin and C. yunnanensis in the classification system, the proposal is divided into separate species. The clustering analysis of the plant species is better, and the correct rate of species identification was 100%. FTIR-cluster analysis can be used as a possible means for the classification and identification of Zingiberaceae.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 401-406.
    This paper quantificationally analyzes to the law of spectral reflections for color halftone prints. Based on the branch-path Clapper-Yule model of spectral reflection, the new spectral prediction model, taking into the optical dot gain account, has been established by introducing an optical dot gain parameter w to model the nonlinear relation between the dot area fraction and the reflectance of paper and ink. The numerical simulation of the new model shows that the prediction values are higher than the reflections of the branch-path Clapper-Yule model, which has modified the defect in the previous models. The reflections of paper and ink is the function of dot area fraction and optical dot gain parameter w, and the color of halftone prints predicted by the branch-path Clapper-Yule model must consider the effects of variation of dot area fraction and the optical dot gain parameter w on the reflections.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 355-358.
       Microscopy,Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to analyze the painted sculptures pigments of Wuhou Temple in Chengdu.The results show that the red pigments are innabar,red ochre,minium),the blue pigments are phthalocyanine blue and ultramarine,the green pigments are phthalocyanine green,the yellow pigments are massicot,the white pigments are gypsum,the black pigments are carbon black.It was founds that synthetic organic pigments—phthalocyanine blue and phthalocyanine green had been used as the painted pigments.The investigation supplies scientific information for the purpose of restoration and conservation of relics and selecting restoration materials.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 175-181.
    The Raman and infrared spectra of niacin were measured experimentally. The molecular equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies, Raman and infrared intensity of niacin were calculated using the B3LYP level and cc-PVDZ basis set. Normal mode analysis was carried out using the program GAR2PED and the assignment of fundamental vibrations for niacin was obtained according to the potential energy distributions (PED). This study provides us with more quantitative vibrational spectral information which was not mentioned in previous literatures.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(3): 220-225.
    The extinction spectrum and sensor properties of the single hexagram Ag nanostructure were investigated. The calculation results by finite-difference time-domain method show that the peak wavelength of the extinction spectrum of hexagram Ag nanostructure has remarkable blueshift and the intensity is gradually weakened when the vertex angle increases from 20° to 140°. Vertex angle has great influence on the refractive index sensitivity, but little effect on the FWHM of the extinction spectrum. The refractive index sensitivity but not FWHM leads to the greatest figure of merit value for LSPR applications when vertex angle is 30°. For the situation with truncated vertices in experiment, analysis of the paper shows that truncation has an effect on extinction characteristics. In addition, the figure of merit gradually decreases with the degree of angle truncation increasing.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(3): 226-229.
    Methods for rapid inspection of illegally added medicine in anti-fatigue health food using Raman spectroscopy is investigated. Raman scattering, superposition of Raman scattering and surface enhanced Raman scattering are combined to get specific Raman signal of samples, and the illegally added medicine can be inspected by comparing the Raman spectra of the samples with those of medicine. Hundreds of samples were inspected and the accuracy is higher than 95 percent, which indicates the method available for the inspection of illegally added medicine in anti-fatigue health food.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 374-378.
    This work provide anon-destructive, convenient and effective testing method to differentiate documents printed by different color laser printers. The ink marks on the documents printed by color laser printers are tested by the Micro-Raman spectroscopy, and the four different color ink marks’ Raman spectra are compared and differentiated. The Raman spectra of the documents are different and can be classified. The Raman spectroscopic technique can distinguish the documents printed by different brands and models’ color laser printers.
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2015, 27(4): 320-325.
      本文采用湿化学方法制备具有表面增强拉曼散射活性的氧化石墨烯负载纳米金溶胶:通过以柠檬酸三钠为还原剂,在没有稳定剂、温和的液相反应条件下,同时还原氯金酸和深度氧化的石墨烯,原位制备氧化石墨烯负载金纳米颗粒复合物。利用紫外可见分光光度计、激光粒度分析仪、傅里叶变换红外吸收光谱仪、透射电子显微镜对所制得的氧化石墨烯负载金纳米颗粒复合物进行了表征和分析,并且采用拉曼光谱研究其作为增强试剂的性能。结果表明:所得溶胶在波长为540 nm左右存在较强的吸收峰,粒径分布在50 nm附近范围内;生成的金纳米粒子的大小及其分布受氯金酸用量的影响,并且粒径分布均匀,金纳米颗粒的平均尺寸为20 nm, 大量金纳米颗粒均匀地附着在氧化石墨烯的片层之间;氧化石墨烯的含氧官能团大幅降低,氧化石墨烯表面基团大部分被还原;以R6G为探针分子验证其拉曼增强效应,在浓度低至10 nmol/L时依然具有较强的拉曼信号,增强因子达到2.4×105。所以高分散性、高稳定性的氧化石墨烯负载金颗粒溶胶,可作为SERS活性基底(增强试剂),用于快速检测。
  • The Journal of Light Scattering. 2016, 28(2): 125-130.
        Cubic (3C)-SiC films were grown on Si (100) substrate by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The microstructures and optical properties of 3C-SiC films have been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and Raman scattering. Raman scattering and SE were used to characterize 3C-SiC materials. From the analysis of SE we can obtain thickness of 3C-SiC films. Also from the analysis of Raman spectra, we can see the line shape of TO mode and LO mode from the fitting result, and the correlation length and carrier concentration were obtained. The result of correlation length reveals that the crystalline quality is expected to improve with film thickness increasing and Raman scattering spectra also shows the effects of the epilayer thicknesses.